What are the eligibility criteria for candidates?

Candidates should meet specific qualifications relevant to the targeted sectors and demonstrate a commitment to integrating into German society.

Is there a cost for candidates to use a[R]italent services?

We strive to keep our services accessible, with any fees clearly communicated upfront.

What is a[R]italent specialization?

Arı Talent specializes in addressing bottleneck professions in Germany by providing specialized recruitment and integration services.

What is the recruitment process timeline?

The timeline varies, depending on factors like visa processing and candidate readiness, but our goal is to expedite the process while ensuring quality matches.

From which sectors does a[R]italent recruit professionals?

We focus on recruiting abroad professionals in engineering, healthcare, and logistics sectors to address critical labor shortages in Germany.


Leonhardstr. 16-18

90443 Nürnberg / Germany